CRank: 5Score: 12100

Another perfect score for the superior version of GTA IV,Shane Kim can't wait to pick up his copy in just 9 more days!

Xbox slaves,PLAYSTATION®3 GTA IV players will be getting not only bigger,but better DLC and we will also be getting Home™ trophies and other great Home™ items.


5999d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Don't worry,GTA V will be PLAYSTATION®3 exclusive and it will look and play amazing!

Shane Kim finds it funny that GTA IV will be one of the best looking games on the Xbox 3rd60,and the PS3 version is still superior in every way including graphics.


5999d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Have no fear PLAYSTATION®3 GTA IV players,these features have been totally axed from the inferiorbox 360 version of GTA IV,the superior PLAYSTATION®3 will be getting these features and more.


5999d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gears Of War 3 will be PLAYSTATION®3 exclusive due to the Inferiorbox 360 not being able to handle it.

Is Shane Kim the only one that sees the irony here? Xbox slaves were always b*tching about PLAYSTATION®3 losing exclusives,how many exclusives has Xbox 3rd60 lost and will continue to lose again? Shane Kim can't even count that high.


5999d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

F*ck innovation!

Shane Kim would rather chug down a can of paint than play pipi fit!

Shane Kim is glad Epic has seen the inferiorness in the Nintendouche Pii,Epic will now fully focus on releasing games for PC and
PLAYSTATION®3,oh and piss poor ports on the Inferiorbox 360.


5999d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Shane Kim enjoyed the first one very much on PLAYSTATION®3,he can't wait for the sequel on PLAYSTATION®3,and just so you Xbox slaves know,The Darkness 2 will be superior on PLAYSTATION®3 just like the first,just telling you ahead of time so you Xbox slaves won't be so disappointed when the inferiorbox 360 version comes out inferior.


5999d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Too little,too late Micro$haft,European gamers have already realized that PLAYSTATION®3 is the future and are no longer interested in the Xbox 3rd60,and way to bundle it with the worst,most overhyped,pos game on the planet Micromess.Shane Kim has w3lcom3d chang3,you Xbox slaves will too sooner or later.


5999d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's because Best Buy prefers PLAYSTATION®3 and knows that Xbox 360 owners are a little slow,why else would one buy an Inferiorbox 360? Shane Kim has no idea.


5999d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

The best way to get excited about GTA IV is to pre-order the superior PLAYSTATION®3 version of GTA IV,Shane Kim can't wait to play the superior version of GTA IV(PS3) on the superior gaming console(PLAYSTATION®3).


6000d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Shane Kim agrees with you 101%

Games Aktuell have yet to play the superior version of GTA IV on PLAYSTATION®3,if they reviewed the PS3 version of GTA IV,it would have scored 11/10.

GTA V will be PLAYSTATION®3 exclusive,enjoy your overpriced DLC Xbox slaves,PLAYSTATION®3 GTA IV players will be getting,bigger and better DLC,Home trophies and other great GTA IV Home items.


6000d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

No thanks,Shane Kim will be too busy enjoying the superior version of GTA IV on PLAYSTATION®3 to even care about these maps.


6000d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Micro$haft paid $50 million for a few extra missions,characters? Shane Kim curses the day he joined Micromess,can the desperate corporation get any dumber?!

Don't forget Xbox slaves that you'll still have to pay for your garbage GTA IV DLC while PLAYSTATION®3 GTA IV players will be getting bigger,more better GTA IV DLC and some exclusive GTA IV Home™ Trophy's and other great items.


6000d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's what happens when you trust Micromess,Shane Kim knows from firsthand experience.


6000d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's just too bad you Xbox slaves will have to pay Micromess for the limited mods you douchebags will be getting while PLAYSTATION®3 UTIII players/owners are getting everything free of charge,you know what else Shane Kim thinks is funny? You Xbox slaves try to bash PLAYSTATION®3 fans by telling them they are waiting beyond...have you Xbox slaves looked in the mirror yet?...enjoy waiting!;)


6000d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Waiting beyond you Xbox slaves are,PLAYSTATION®3 owners have been enjoying this game since late last year!;)


6000d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Shane Kim would like to congratulate Poland for getting to play GTA IV before anyone else,be sure to pick up the superior PLAYSTATION®3 version and have a good time!;)


6000d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Gears Of War 2 will reign supreme on PC,not so much on Xbox 360 due to the console being inferior,Shane Kim is happy to announce that Gears Of War 3 and on will be making an appearance on PLAYSTATION®3,where it was ment to be on since the beginning.


6000d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

GTA IV will still be the better game,Shane Kim believes Halo 3 was overhyped and it turned out to be total trash,Bungie and Microsoft should be ashamed of themselves,and yes I realize I'm apart of this mess,but I don't want to be,go SONY(including PS1,PS2 and PSP) and PLAYSTATION®3!;)


6001d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

We don't need a poll to tell us PLAYSTATION®3 will come in #1 this generation,SONY have done such a wonderful job and it's certainly paying off,they will take it Home™ for the 360rd time in a row,it's pretty much guaranteed with a superior gaming console,a stellar line-up of games,and a superb online service once Home™ hits,all for free,thank god for SONY!;)


6001d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Shane Kim guesses this makes up for the lack of mod support on the Xbox 360 version of UTIII,not!;)


6001d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment